Information Collected and Stored Automatically

When you visit our website to read or filling information, we do not collect your name, email, mailing address or similar identifying information without your knowledge. However, towards continual improvement of our website and for site management purposes, we will automatically collect and maintain certain statistical information about your visit. This information includes:
o The date and time (with time zone) of a website visit.
o Internet Protocol (IP) address. A computer’s IP address establishes its location on the Internet and allows communications with other computers to send it content and other information.
o Type of Internet traffic associated with a specific IP address;
o Type of Internet traffic associated with a specific time or event;
o Type of technology used to access the website (such as the type of internet browser and type of operating system);
o Types of events;
o The location associated with an event (such as apparent nation of origin);
o Host names;
o Malicious software identification; and
o Caller Identification logs, which provide a caller's apparent phone number.
We use the above information to measure the number of visitors to the different sections of our website, assess system performance and to help us make the website more useful to our visitors.

Web Cookies

Web Cookies is small piece of data sent from a website and stored in the user's web browser while the user is browsing. Use of these technologies makes our web site function better for you and allows us to better understand how the public is using the web site. Cookies are files placed on your hard drive by a web site that store information regarding your use of that site, usually without your express knowledge.
Session cookies are stored in memory during an active browser session, and they are erased as soon as you close your browser after visiting our web site.
Persistent cookies can stay on your computer for longer periods of time unless a user deletes them.

If you send us personal information

We do not collect personal information for any purpose other than to respond to you (for example, to respond to your questions or provide subscriptions you have chosen). If you choose to provide us with personal information - like filling out a Contact Us form, with an e-mail address or postal address, and submitting it to us through the website, We use that information to respond to your message, and to help you get the information you've requested.

Site Security

For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, this Government computer system employs commercial software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage.

This privacy policy and any other content on this website can be changed at any time, without any prior notice or intimation. We request all China CNC Machining website users to check this page frequently for any changes. Continued usage of the site is your acceptance of changes and terms and conditions.