About Us

Plastic and metal machining is an art in itself. It takes an expert with immense knowledge, and years of experience to produce, durable, industrial quality products. China CNC Machining Manufacturing Corp. has these attributes and more. There are many reasons why you should choose us for your custom screw machining project.


  • Plastics and Metals Machining: Our expert machinists have over 30 years’ experience in machining. Our machinists have an extensive knowledge over 70 different types of materials. Hence, they know the difference in each specification when machining different materials. They can adjust the CNC machines for aspects like tolerance, RPM, dimensions, tool selections, etc. It is due to this knowledge and experience that they are able to help us provide competitive quotes while ensuring product quality post manufacturing.

ISO Certified

China CNC Machining Mfg. have always been committed to quality, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. This ISO certification reinforces that commitment to better serve our customers.

Click here to view our ISO certificate

ISO Certificate

Material Guidance:

Our designers and engineers are extremely knowledgeable of which materials will be suitable for an application. Whether clients are looking to create a metal component or a plastic product, our engineers and designers can help you find the right material to manufacture your product. We also work with our clients to come up with material options that will support their application, while fitting their budgets.


What set us apart from other manufacturers is that we provide the complete gambit of metal and plastic design and manufacturing services. All of our services are designed to ensure quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Customers can choose from:

We also provide specialized services as a secondary option:

  • Value Added Services: These include processes related to material grinding, deburring, silk screening, cryogenic deburring and optical clarity enhancement.
  • Product Assembly: We provide the option of complete product assembly. This allows clients to begin using the product from the moment it is delivered.
  • Just in Time (JIT) Delivery: JIT provides benefits of on-time delivery, discounted prices, and complete inventory management.

Industry Leader:

What makes China CNC Machining the industry leader in plastic and metal machining is the range of clients and industries that we serve. Our primary clients are organizations who work as:

  • Marine
  • Lighting
  • Medical
  • Aerospace
  • Architecture
  • Life Sciences
  • Fluid Handling
  • Water Treatment
  • Chemical processing
  • Job Shops
  • Material Distributors
  • Material Manufacturers

The combination of our Knowledge, Experience, and Services make the difference in setting us apart from other custom screw machining providers. From design to delivery, we are with our clients right till the end.